Southern Peninsula Community Support
Funds raised from the Point Nepean Heritage Motor Show will be directed to the Southern Peninsula Community Support and their SPLaSH Program which provides support to the homeless on the Mornington Peninsula.
Mums, dads, kids, older people and younger people are being forced from their homes during this current housing crisis. With nowhere affordable to go they are living in their cars, or in tents amongst the bushes. Each day Southern Peninsula Community Support (SPCS) is on the front line providing vital food, hot showers and material aid to nearly 2,000 of the Peninsula’s most vulnerable people and their families.
The value of this work is demonstrated by the gratitude of the people they support: “I was pretty much lost 2 years ago, sleeping rough. Chronic depression just about claimed me. I was found, and told about Splash. Splash is vital. I love your work. My story matters.”